Post by Kçℵ on Aug 19, 2010 21:43:51 GMT -6
Let's Get It Started...
NAME: Your character's first and last name here. Middle, too, if able. NICKNAME: If your character usually goes by anything else besides their name, place them here. AGE: How old is your character? Many people like to go by "seasons" times of the year - or moons. It just depends. You may use years, too, if you wish, just don't make them 100. SPEICES What species is your Pokemon character? No crosses, please. GENDER: Explanatory. ABILITY: What is your character's ability? Please stick to what the Pokemon/type is. We don't need a Rapidash having Torrent as an ability. SIDE: Good, evil, or neutral? FREE?: Is your Pokemon wild, domesticated/owned by a human, or just somewhere in between? THEME SONG: Optional.
....In Here
[/u][/size][/right] [/blockquote][/blockquote]
To Be Your Own Best Friend...
APPERANCE: What does your character look like? How tall are they? What color are their eyes, skin, and hair? How long is their hair? What to they normally wear? What do they wear every other time? Do they carry anything special? Two FULL paragraphs, please.
PERSONALITY: How do they normally act? How is their perspective on people? On Pokemon? What makes them happy? Sad? Whom do they count their friends? How well to they make friends? Keep them? Do they have trust issues? Two FULL paragraphs, please.
....On The Outside Looking In
Leave Out All The Rest...
HISTORY:What happened to make your character the person they are today? FOUR to FIVE full paragraphs.
....Leave Out All The Rest
The World Was Gonna Roll Me...
MOVE SET: - What is your Pokemon's moves? One may only have up to four, and MUST fit bot their level and what type and gender they are as well.
TRAINER: Is this Pokemon owned by a trainer or will be one day? Maybe an old trainer? Write it here. If nothing, just leave it blank.
SPEACAIL ATTRIBUTES: Does this Pokemon have any special talents of their own that makes them different then all of the other Pokemon of their species? Anything else odd about them at all? Post it here.
....I Ain't The Sharpest Tool In The Shed.
Hands Held High Into A Sky So Blue...
NICKNAME: What would you like us to call you on this site? AGE: How old are you actually? GENDER: ROLE-PLAYING CLASS: Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced. FOUNDATION: How/where did you find us?
[/size] ....Ocean Opens Up To Swallow You [/u][/size][/right][/blockquote][/blockquote] [/font]
Post by Kçℵ on Aug 20, 2010 16:05:27 GMT -6
[center][img]PLACEIMGURLHERE[/img] [size=15][color=6600FF][b]POKEMONSPECIES/NAME[/b][/color][/size]
[blockquote][blockquote][size=2][b][u]Let's Get It Started...[/u][/b][/size]
[blockquote][size=1][b][color=Orange]N[/color]AM[color=Orange]E[/color]:[/B] Your character's first and last name here. Middle, too, if able. [b][color=Orange]N[/color]ICKNAME[color=Orange][S][/color]:[/b] If your character usually goes by anything else besides their name, place them here. [b][color=Orange]A[/color]G[color=Orange]E[/color]:[/B] How old is your character? Many people like to go by "seasons" times of the year - or moons. It just depends. You may use years, too, if you wish, just don't make them 100. [b][color=Orange]S[/color]PEICE[color=Orange]S[/color][/b] What species is your Pokemon character? No crosses, please. [b][color=Orange]G[/color]ENDE[color=Orange]R[/color]:[/b] Explanatory. [b][color=Orange]A[/color]BILIT[color=Orange]Y[/color]:[/b] What is your character's ability? Please stick to what the Pokemon/type is. We don't need a Rapidash having Torrent as an ability. [b][color=Orange]S[/color]ID[color=Orange]E[/color]:[/b] Good, evil, or neutral? [b][color=Orange]F[/color]RE[color=Orange]E[/color]?:[/b] Is your Pokemon wild, domesticated/owned by a human, or just somewhere in between? [b][color=Orange]T[/color]HEM[color=Orange]E[/color] [color=Orange]S[/color]ONG[color=Orange][S][/color]:[/b] Optional. [/size][/blockquote]
[right][size=2][b][u]....In Here[/b][/u][/size][/right] [/blockquote][/blockquote][hr]
[blockquote][blockquote][size=2][b][u]To Be Your Own Best Friend...[/u][/b][/size]
[blockquote][size=1][b][color=Green]A[/color]PPERANC[color=Green]E[/color]:[/b] What does your character look like? How tall are they? What color are their eyes, skin, and hair? How long is their hair? What to they normally wear? What do they wear every other time? Do they carry anything special? Two FULL paragraphs, please.
[b][color=Green]P[/color]ERSONALIT[color=Green]Y[/color]:[/b] How do they normally act? How is their perspective on people? On Pokemon? What makes them happy? Sad? Whom do they count their friends? How well to they make friends? Keep them? Do they have trust issues? Two FULL paragraphs, please.
[b][color=Green]L[/color]IKE[color=Green]S[/color]:[/b] [ul][li] [/li][li] [/li][li] [/li][li] [/li][/ul]
[b][color=Green]D[/color]I[color=green]S[/color]-[color=Green]L[/color]IKE[color=green]S[/color]:[/b] [ul][li] [/li][li] [/li][li] [/li][li] [/li][/ul]
[right][size=2][b][u]....On The Outside Looking In[/b][/u][/size][/right][/blockquote][/blockquote][hr]
[blockquote][blockquote][size=2][b][u]Leave Out All The Rest...[/u][/b][/size]
[blockquote][size=1][b][color=Navy]H[/color]ISTOR[color=Navy]Y[/color]:[/b]What happened to make your character the person they are today? FOUR to FIVE full paragraphs. [/size][/blockquote]
[right][size=2][b][u]....Leave Out All The Rest[/b][/u][/size][/right][/blockquote][/blockquote][hr]
[blockquote][blockquote][size=2][b][u]The World Was Gonna Roll Me...[/u][/b][/size]
[BLOCKQUOTE][size=1][b][color=Beige]M[/color]OV[color=BEIGE]E[/color] [color=Beige]S[/color]E[color=Beige]T[/color]:[/b] [ul][li]What is your Pokemon's moves? One may only have up to four, and MUST fit bot their level and what type and gender they are as well. [/li][li] [/li][li] [/li][li] [/li][/ul]
[b][color=Beige]T[/color]RAINE[color=Beige]R[/color]:[/b] Is this Pokemon owned by a trainer or will be one day? Maybe an old trainer? Write it here. If nothing, just leave it blank.
[b][color=Beige]S[/color]PEACAI[color=Beige]L[/color] [color=Beige]A[/color]TTRIBUTE[color=Beige]S[/color][/b]: Does this Pokemon have any special talents of their own that makes them different then all of the other Pokemon of their species? Anything else odd about them at all? Post it here.
[right][size=2][b][u]....I Ain't The Sharpest Tool In The Shed.[/b][/u][/size][/right][/blockquote][/blockquote][hr]
[blockquote][blockquote][size=2][b][u]Hands Held High Into A Sky So Blue...[/u][/b][/size]
[blockquote][size=1][b][color=Pink]N[/color]ICKNAM[color=Pink]E[/color]:[/B] What would you like us to call you on this site? [b][color=Pink]A[/color]G[color=Pink]E[/color]:[/b] How old are you actually? [b][color=Pink]G[/color]ENDE[color=Pink]R[/color]:[/B] [b][color=Pink]R[/color]OL[color=Pink]E[/color]-[color=Pink]P[/color]LAYIN[color=Pink]G[/color] [color=Pink]C[/color]LAS[color=Pink]S[/color]:[/b] Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced. [B][color=Pink]F[/color]OUNDATIO[color=Pink]N[/color]:[/B] How/where did you find us? [/blockquote][/size]
[right][size=2][b][u]....Ocean Opens Up To Swallow You[/b][/u][/size][/right][/blockquote][/blockquote] [/font]